The Del Rosarios

Mikel's Blog:

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Note From Alameda, CA

I'm sitting in a hotel in Alameda, CA right now. Tomorrow, I'll be presenting our ministry at Bay Farm Community Church and possibly going out to lunch with a Filipino couple the Pastor thought might be interested in supporting us personally.

The last two days of travel have not been too bad. I rented a Chevy Trailblazer since we needed a lot of space for all of Josiah's stuff (mobile crib, bathtub, clothes, snap n' go stoller, etc...). We drove for a couple hours up to Ojai (Jojo slept the whole time!) and met the missions committee of Ojai Valley Community Church. My cousin, Richie, is the youth Pastor there and they are very interested in partnering with us. We stayed at the house of one of the elders. Unfortunately, Richie and Nadine were out of town, so we might drop by Ojai again to visit them on the 31st.

This morning, we drove up to Alameda for about 6 and a half hours. Jojo was really good and slept for all but about 45 minutes of the trip. We got lost due to bad directions from Microsoft "Streets and Trips." Don't waste your money on that program. This is the second time it got us totally lost.

So now we're waiting for some food we ordered to be delivered to our room. Raviolli for Christine and pizza for me! Josiah just gets milk. :-)


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