Fresno: Day 6
Yesterday, we made it safely to Fresno State University for the second leg of our trip: Networking at the Filipino-American Pastor's annual retreat. They had us all stay in a dorm called Graves Hall. It was kind of weird living in a tiny dorm room. Not only because the Biola rooms were much bigger, but also because dorms aren't very baby-friendly.
Since it's the summer, they don't provide wireless access or telephones in the dorms. They actually make their students pay for Web access during the semester. But I just now found a way to get online with my laptop so I can blog again.
Praise God at least three Filipino pastors have told me they would like to support us and would try to work us into the budget in a couple of months. Also, I'll be playing my song, "As I Worship" on the Epiphone J160e and presenting our ministry tonight. Pray that goes well and gets even more Filipino churches eager to be part of our ministry.
Christine is sick and Jojo is very tired. Here's a tip: Bring a hand sanitizer and use it often if you're ever at an event shaking hands with hundreds of people! It's so easy to catch a cold at these things.
We're really looking forward to going home tomorrow.
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