Termite Infestation
Please continue to pray about our problem with the termite infestation in our apartment.
Randy Grisham (Century 21 Grisham-Joseph), our landlord, took two weeks to come down here with an inspector who advised him on the issue. While they were here, Randy himself saw the sick condition of the baby's room with swarmers stuck to some fly paper I put down by the window. That was Monday.
He still hasn't told us what he will do about it or when it will be done. The termites continue to swarm in Jojo's room and this morning, Christine woke up with one on her! I am calling the landloard's office every hour until I get to speak to him. Pray he will do the right thing about this and soon. Pray we can find a place to move if this does not get resolved.
Also, if you know of anyone who can help us legally order the landlord to fix this issue ASAP, please let us know. Of course, we can't pay any lawyers but if someone is willing to help, that might be nice.
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